A Visit to Minneapolis

by Dylan ~ June 19th, 2009.

Last weekend, we drove to Minneapolis.

We went to the Mall of America. I played at the Nickelodeon Park.

The next day, we went to T. Danar’s house and I met my friends Luth and Yusuf. I had fun playing with them.

Category: Traveling | Tags:

2 Responses to “A Visit to Minneapolis”

  1. GranDee Says:

    Dylan, how many stops did you make on the way to Minneapolis?

    Did you sleep in the car?

    When you were very little, GranDee and GraNda and Mommy and Daddy also went to the Mall of America with you…do you remember?

    Dylan, it must be exciting to meet and play with Luth and Yusuf. The photos of you having fun playing with Luth and Yusuf are very good.

  2. Dylan Says:

    We stopped one time when we all need to go to the bathroom.

    Yes, I did.

    Yes, I remember.


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